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Deed – Nothing Undefined

Old and Young

(Dr PVB subrahmanyam)

Deed is the genesis of all living and non living beings. It makes things happen. People believe that its course of action is highly unpredictable. Not only its course of action, its nature and structure are also indefinable. Due to its nature it became pin point of all philosophies in the world

Vivekananda says “the essence of all beings is same”. In the similar way deed is the seed of everything. There is a proverb in Hindi जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी This proverb has the support of dozens of Sanskrit verses.

Sowed seed has multiple lives. That means it may give birth to any form of its nature. Let it be explained. A seed may lose its life in the soil. It may turn in to a plant and vanish. It may become a tree with a weak trunk. It may grow to an average size. It may become a giant tree and live long. It may become giant but fell prey to cyclone or any other disaster. This way an array of possibilities can be expected.

In the same way, when one sows the seed in the form of deed he may face the consequences in the future in any form. But the ultimate truth is that he has to face the consequence. Here, it is inferred that the form of consequence depends on the condition of the deed just similar to the different forms of the tree took birth on the conditions of the seed. That means, the conditions prevailing at the time of deed will decide the form of the consequence.

Generally deed is defined in three forms. One is accumulated, one is ripening and one is ongoing. These three may have subsections or varieties but the undertone meaning of all expressions is same.  The ongoing, with the passing of time, gets the form of accumulated and the accumulated gets the form of ripening when the time comes to deliver the consequences.  Ripening deed is also known as fortune in simple terms.


            Every deed produces consequences. Some actions have spontaneous results. For example A thrashes B and in reply B thrashes A. the second condition is B curses and leaves the place. In the first condition A faced the result. So deed does not produce any seed. But in the second condition A has not received the result of his deed. That means the deed is awaiting the reply. In this condition, at a later stage, A will get the result of it. That means the seed took birth and in a similar form it will reach the owner of the deed (karta). This is called accumulation. The awaiting consequence is stored in the account of A.

There is a small confusion. Sometimes people think that the reply may be in any form. But that not seems so. The result might be in accordance of the seed. A seed of mango cannot produce apple. Not getting a spontaneous reply is also has a reason. Let the condition explained. A thrashed B. it’s not a coincidence. It is predefined and A has experienced or went through the deed he might have done in the past. In the second condition B not replied immediately. That means the ripening time may take place in future.

This situation shows three forms of the deed. Thrashing B is present deed. Not replying the same gives birth to the seed. That means the seed is the accumulation of deed which ought to give its reply in future. In future when reply occurs then the deed is called fortune (prarabdha). These are the three forms of deed which create everything.

The most interested point in scientific world, which people like the most to investigate, is the genesis of the universe. Not only Science and Scientists , the philosophers all over the world, also get their birth in this interest only.

Investigations to know the cause of the creation gave birth to multiple sciences and thoughts. Though the human being is yet to know the reason behind the universe, he has already advanced in many directions. Still he has no clue of the universe. All the theories about it, uttered till date, are inferences only.

            Knowingly or unknowingly, everyone accept the deed as  one and only cause behind the universe . ??

Though the deed has been accepted as the genesis of all happenings it is not based on any confirmation, if looked in scientific way. Science requires proof. Proof depends on formulae with enough logic. Science cannot come to a conclusion in this matter without solving the genesis of the universe. It has a long way to go. As this discussion has no scientific value, till no such hypothesis has been formulated to investigate the matter.

            The base of Vedaic literature stands on this concept that the root cause of everything is the deed. This concept has been circulated to each and every corner of the Vedic civilization and consequently the traditions which are in existence in Bharat Varsha stand on the single reason. A keen observer can find it (the deed) as the essence or theme of the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

            This simple concept created two types of deed i.e., deed and misdeed. (आत्मनः प्रतिकूलानि परेषां न समाचरेत्) so the tradition accepts deeds and disowns misdeeds. The method which is used to differentiate the deed in to good deed and misdeed is called DHARMA.

            A deed with positive consequences is called good deed and vice versa. Positivity is also has a critical definition. The result of the deed may or may not be positive but at any cost it should not harm any one’s interest. If it has the least of harm in it then it cannot be considered as pure positive or good deed.

                        Positive consequences may comprise some negative accepts and while the good is accumulated as good and the minor parts with negative sense will be accumulated negatively. The owner requires going through both.

            Simple to say that every bit of positivity will accumulate positive deed and every bit of negativity accumulate negative deed. There is one more variety of deed in existence which is called neutral deed which will be explained at a later stage.


            Though the deed has been accepted the cause of everything since time immemorial, the acceptance does not include any scientific evidences or proofs or any statistical data. So it requires a formula to be investigated and proved. Once it has been proved so, it can change the nature of human life. But, if it has to change the human life, then the cause to happen so must be the accumulated deed of the human being. Amazing! But it’s the truth accepted and well broadcasted in the Vedic World.

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